Monday 10 September 2012

Kingdom Gospel: There is a fresh start with the Lord!

Kingdom Gospel: There is a fresh start with the Lord!: THERE IS A FRESH START WITH THE LORD! “Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be—   you get a fresh start,   your slate’s wiped cl...

There is a fresh start with the Lord!


“Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be—
 you get a fresh start,
 your slate’s wiped clean.
Count yourself lucky—
 God holds nothing against you
 and you’re holding nothing back from him”.

-          Psalms 32:1-2 {The Message}.

You may have messed up big time and failed the test of life woefully.
In as much you still have that breathe of life in your nostril, it’s not over with you yet, it is an indication or a litmus test for you to know and recognize that the Lord God has not finished with you yet, He has given you a new and clean slate to re-write the test.

You can pass the test if you don’t give up. Don’t give up on God because He will not give up on you. Esau failed the test of his life time and time again but Isaac did not give up on him until he passed the test of life (Genesis 27:1-7, 30-35). If people like Abraham, Isaac, Esau, Jacob, Moses, David, Peter and Apostle Paul could make it despite their shortcomings, yours is not exception. They were men of like passion like you and I. Ordinary people with extra ordinary amount of determination to reach their goals.  

You remember the story of prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. He came to his senses and said; “I WILL ARISE and go to my father…” verse 18. This father gave the lost son a chance and a new clean slate to re-write the test he had failed previously upon his repentance. You’ve got to make a U-turn. You may be at the deepest pit of hell at the moment, you’ve got to arise. You must arise and you will arise in the name of Jesus. Your destiny is not to perish with the wise men of Babylon. This predicament will not be the end of your destiny; you will see the end of your problem(s).Magnify/enlarge the Lord God in your heart. God is bigger than your problems. 

The downfall of a man is not the end of his journey. No sin is potent enough to drag you to hell; it was all paid for by the precious blood of the Lamb over 2000 years now for both past, present and future. Only willful rejecting the finished work of the cross can take any man to hell.

Don’t give up on yourself! Don’t give up on God. Don’t limit yourself. Devil can’t stop you! Not even the sin you’ve committed if you can repent of them now, they can delay but they can’t stop you from fulfilling destiny. You are the only person that can limit yourself! Don’t take no as an answer. Forget the past, press on to God. Focus on your destiny! I know you will make it. Don’t throw in the towel yet, remember THERE IS ALWAYS A FRESH START WITH THE LORD! 

God bless you!