Friday 10 June 2011

The 21st Century Contemporary Giants

Title: The 21st Century Contemporary Giants
Preacher: Dr. 'Tunde Bakare

Main Text: Deuteronomy 2:1-5, 24-36; 3:1-11

It took the last Adam to undo what the first Adam did. Hence, those who are born of the seed of the last Adam would also undo the deeds of the former. Therefore, we are focusing on the identity and the deeds of the 21st century contemporary giants and those who are qualified to exterminate them.

To start with, when all the Philistines’ giants were dead, the five lords of the Philistines showed up to continue to milk and oppress the people just as their deceased giants did. Contemporary, it is unfortunate that many people in the church are agents of these terrorising and intimidating giants. They have embraced their nature, and they work for them as oppressors and they are being paid for oppressing.

The Five Categories of Contemporary Giants:

Contemporary giants are giant corporations, national or multi-national, who bankrolls projects of blood while holding the people of the land captive to their economic crimes. In the olden days, they represent the Egyptian giants—they are perpetrators of entrenched affliction and oppression. They command the people to make bricks without straw. They are modern oligarchy—a form of government ruled by few privileged and powerful people. (Exodus 1:8-14; 5:1-19).

They are occultists and ritualists who through sorcery astonish the people of their territory, pretending to be some great power of God. They are Anakims. They are always at the border of the people’s Promised Land. Naturally, they are Amorites. But by conduct and character they are high-neck babblers—they speak hurt and hateful words. They are always behind ethnic cleansing, pitching the tribes against each other and taking advantage of the gullible (Numbers 13:31-33; Amos 2:9).

They are military warlords and kidnappers who through their monopoly and mastery of violence terrify their domain and get stupendous wealth at the expense of the oppressed people they pretend to be fighting for. They are the Emims. These are terrorists, arsonists, and those who bring thugs and lawless people. They are murderers either in uniform or mufti. They won’t hesitate to destroy if their economic interest is ever threatened. They only seize power to wipe people out (Deuteronomy 2:9-11).

Contemporary giants are illegal mafias, aimless looters and kleptomaniacs in public offices, kingpins in all trafficking—human and otherwise—traversing the political, social, and economic landscape of a nation. They are the Zamzummims. They are the ones behind projects of crime. They bankroll and support armed robbers and assassins at all levels. (Deuteronomy 2:19-21).

They are apostates and religious con men who keep humans in their cages and their zoos, and become rich and fat at their expense. They represent the Philistines’ giants whom the five lords succeeded. This type of giants does not fight the people in their territory but in the people’s territory. Contemporarily, they invade the believers’ Promised Land, hijack what they have laboured for and terrorise them ceaselessly until they wear them out and consequently quit their Promised Land for the invaders to possess.

Having said these, it is important to strike a balance. Although the economies of the world is demon-driven, not all multi-national corporations and business are terrorising giants or demon-driven, because you can prosper and be great in a righteous way. It is not a sweeping statement and general blanket that if any company is a multi-billion dollar company, underneath it must be demonic activities, although Satan is the kingpin of perverse and corrupt businesses.


Isaiah 26:1-6, 12-14; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; Matthew 5:3

The Poor and the Needy: The poor and the needy in this context do not mean those who are bankrupt. Rather, they are the people whom God has prepared, shaped, and formed in order to take down every form of giants in a city or nation and ultimately establish God’s government, standard, plan, and purpose in every area of human endeavour. God has prepared the feet of those who are disdained or despised to thresh down the giants. They are ordinary people prepared by super ordinary God so that He can operate through them just as He did in David who took down Goliath. If God does not work in you, He cannot work through you! Moreover, these category of people that will take down the giants are not just poor and needy because they depend upon God but, because they are also tired of oppression.

Three Categories of Giant-Takers:

Accurate Leadership: Accurate visionary leadership that is totally selfless and full of wisdom is enough to take down the giants. One accurate prophetic leader, who hears God, sees what heaven is doing, and who is settled in his heart to follow God and pursue Him is enough to terrify the Philistines’ giants and to put them to flight. In addition to God the ultimate and consummate giant Killer, the number one type of people that can put an end to the oppression of the occult and agents of blood of crime who are mega billionaires who kill, maim, and sponsor project of blood in a nation is one accurate leader, raised, nurtured, and released by God to speak the word of God in season and out of season, and God would confirm his word with signs and wonders following it. Samuel was a quintessence of such a leader (1 Samuel 7:3-15).

God Appointed Agents of Implosion: Many times the enemy is self-destroyed by trapping and accepting those whom God has fashioned to take down the giants. God strategically positions His people in the enemy’s camp so that they can create an implosion in the days to come. 1 Samuel 27:1-12; 14:1-23.

The Baits of the Almighty: When the Philistines were bankrolling enticement to destroy Samson, they never realised that Samson was a bait of the Almighty in order to get an occasion whereby He could destroy them. He was a bait of the Almighty for the enemy to swallow—all the lords of the Philistines were destroyed in one day. God can strategically use His people as bait in order to take down His enemy.

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